Wednesday, 28 June 2017


30 seconds of whatever we want bang bang bang bang bang 30 seconds later “Caylee I think I've gone death already” one of the beats we used was what's the time bro I don't know.then a few other beats like drum stick drum stick drum drum rim rim lastly we did a stick trick

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Weaving-Mane StanleyFile_000.jpeg
Mane Stanley is weaving a  basket.
She is pegging the corners as she goes
And weaving flax in and out over and over again.
I liked all the bags she made that are on the wall.
Did you know she used a dog comb to shred  the flax so she can play the flax to decorate her baskets and she even threaded on  the platting with interesting.

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Mata face

Makawe hair

Karu eyes

taringa -ears

Ihu nose

Waha mouth


Ringa ringa
Hands and arm

Matimati fingers

Puku stomach

Nono bum

waewae legs

Its as easy as poem

It’s as easy as teaching a flower to talk or teaching a fire to walk

It’s as easy as having a dragon love a pig or making a pig where a crazy , stupid wig

Sunday, 11 June 2017


Kate is Justin bieber's  awesome cap.
Kate is a yummy chip being warmed up in the microwave.
Kate is a tiny little car.
Kate is a little two storey house.
Kate is a pink fluffy unicorn.
Kate is a super fluffy pom pom.
Kate is a cheeky monkey swinging from tree to tree.

pattern poem dog