Sunday, 30 July 2017

My limerick


  • 5 lines.
  • First line starts with there was a….  And ends with a name, a person or a place.
  • Lines 1+2+3 rhyme and have 10 syllables.
  • Line 3+4 rhyme and have 7 syllables

There was a young woman from ham
Who found a lamb in pam
The lamb was so lost
He was in the frost

Thanks to the young woman from ham

Thursday, 27 July 2017

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

This is my cinquain poem   you haft to use a certain amount of syllables


             Is so tasty
      Yummy in my tummy
Rice tastes weird and rough but

               Is nice  

Thursday, 6 July 2017

term 2 reflection

The best 3 things about  term 2 where jump jam, netball and the mud run.

The funniest thing about the mud run was when Jack face planted in the puddle when he was climbing over a gate that was slippery.

In jump jam we got into the national competition YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

In netball we went to 2 or 3 torments.

how to do pointillism

How to do pointillism


Fake  flower and vase
White paper
Cotton bud or paint brush
Paint ( primary and secondary)


1. prepare the supplies.

2. look at the flower and sketch it.

3. Get out your cotton buds or paint brush and dip it in one of the paints.

4. Follow  the sketch around the part you want to fill in very slowly and then dot all inside the lines now you can go faster  

5. Then you can add personal details you can add glitter shadows for the shadows use some black. (don't use to much black or it will be to dark)


I think my flower worked really well  but I think it looks a little dark on the shadow.


pattern poem dog