Sunday, 10 December 2017

my dream dog

If I could have any animal i wanted It would be
a white husky With 2 different colored eyes. We would go to the beach together and have lots of fun.


this is the BB8 that i made.

food tech

this is the slide for my slide for food tech

my story board

this is my story board that I made with Janriche.
Hope you like it๐Ÿ˜Ž๐ŸŒ๐Ÿผ

Sunday, 3 December 2017

halloween invite


wonder book rating

I give wonder a 5 out of 5 star rating.
I love,love,love wonder it is one of the best books I've ever read (had read to me)

Auggie is caring respectful and ongoing.

recreating of the wonder book cover

this is my recreating of the wonder book cover

RJ Palacio

Lives in NYC with her husband, two sons, and two dogs.

Was an art director and book jacket designer, designing covers for countless well-known and not so well-known writers in every genre of fiction and nonfiction.

Thursday, 28 September 2017

term 3 reflection

I think this term has been an amazing team but it was a little bit all over the place with the outdoor art exhibition glee and lots of other things .

Genius hour
I think genius hour went well.   I got to do my favorite subject art .I got to do photography like my mum.

Movie making
Movie making has been fun we made  spy movie. It was fun to film the movie. There were awkward moments and funny moments.

Road patrol
Road patrol was hard on days and getting a new lady on the job replacing miss hall some weeks I end up doing a whole week of mornings I did monday afternoon this term.

Math has been run in room nine. I use my favorite learning website smarty games  it's got almost every subject you could think of.

manu tuku tuku and manu Tara tahis

Manu tukutuku

Tara tahi

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

my re written story

The ๐Ÿ‘‘prince๐Ÿ‘‘ was very depressed.
He was scared of the enemy's.
He was nervous about his cash.
He was so depressed that he couldn't sleep at night.

In the afternoon he drove to the mall.  He was going on a shopping spree he bought a dress and disguises then  then he found the perfect woman for him she liked nerdes people that were nerds so he he went and got  a nerd disguise  and it worked  now he had a  girlfriend and soon wife.

Thursday, 21 September 2017

home play challange

Image result for project energise waikato
WIN_20170921_18_33_53_Pro.jpg๐ŸนThis is a photo of me and progos favorite drink  in my kitchen
#sorry if bad quality photo taken on webcam

This is the link to the website
All you need is the link and the ingredients to make the BEST smoothie  in the whole  world๐Ÿ˜œ

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

maori word meanings

Tau kฤ“ cool

Miharo rawa  its so amazing

Mauri ora   call

Kei reira ko     beauty

Ka pai rawa  amazing

Ka pai   good

Ka mau te wehi  awsome

Tino kino te pai  quite the best

Baia  well

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Kakariki house

IMG_2632.jpgIMG_2626.jpgthis is my buddy IMG_2618.jpg

At kakariki house there is a hole lot of art-work that is natural that's it's called a Kakariki house because it's a enviromental place. My favorite piece of art was the rainbow checkered body chest thing.

Monday, 4 September 2017

the little black cat

Screen Shot 2017-08-23 at 4.42.00 PM.png

The cute little cats eyes are as black as the cold dark night

The tiny black cats whiskers are like fishing wire


The pitch black cat is a pouncing jagua looking for its prey

The little black cat is a little fluffy pom pom lying on the ground

The cat's mother's eyes are little light bulbs

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

my manu tuku tuku


My manu tuku tuku

It was quite easy to make my manu tuku tuku was in a group on my   own
The eyes are fabric and the stuff hanging down is gift ribbon


Wednesday, 9 August 2017

the under water soccer

⚽“I wonder what's happening under the water with the under the water soccer ‘,asks Jake.
I don't know but did you know they use pumpkins as balls”,.

They have weight shoes to keep them on the ground and handcuffed behind her back so they can't use their hands but the goalie doesn’t … and they also have diving masks and small tanks on their back they can breath like a mermaid or a merman they also have bubble goals that float 5 cms off of the ground”,.⚽

Sunday, 30 July 2017

My limerick


  • 5 lines.
  • First line starts with there was a….  And ends with a name, a person or a place.
  • Lines 1+2+3 rhyme and have 10 syllables.
  • Line 3+4 rhyme and have 7 syllables

There was a young woman from ham
Who found a lamb in pam
The lamb was so lost
He was in the frost

Thanks to the young woman from ham

Thursday, 27 July 2017

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

This is my cinquain poem   you haft to use a certain amount of syllables


             Is so tasty
      Yummy in my tummy
Rice tastes weird and rough but

               Is nice  

Thursday, 6 July 2017

term 2 reflection

The best 3 things about  term 2 where jump jam, netball and the mud run.

The funniest thing about the mud run was when Jack face planted in the puddle when he was climbing over a gate that was slippery.

In jump jam we got into the national competition YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

In netball we went to 2 or 3 torments.

how to do pointillism

How to do pointillism


Fake  flower and vase
White paper
Cotton bud or paint brush
Paint ( primary and secondary)


1. prepare the supplies.

2. look at the flower and sketch it.

3. Get out your cotton buds or paint brush and dip it in one of the paints.

4. Follow  the sketch around the part you want to fill in very slowly and then dot all inside the lines now you can go faster  

5. Then you can add personal details you can add glitter shadows for the shadows use some black. (don't use to much black or it will be to dark)


I think my flower worked really well  but I think it looks a little dark on the shadow.


Wednesday, 28 June 2017


30 seconds of whatever we want bang bang bang bang bang 30 seconds later “Caylee I think I've gone death already” one of the beats we used was what's the time bro I don't know.then a few other beats like drum stick drum stick drum drum rim rim lastly we did a stick trick

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Weaving-Mane StanleyFile_000.jpeg
Mane Stanley is weaving a  basket.
She is pegging the corners as she goes
And weaving flax in and out over and over again.
I liked all the bags she made that are on the wall.
Did you know she used a dog comb to shred  the flax so she can play the flax to decorate her baskets and she even threaded on  the platting with interesting.

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Mata face

Makawe hair

Karu eyes

taringa -ears

Ihu nose

Waha mouth


Ringa ringa
Hands and arm

Matimati fingers

Puku stomach

Nono bum

waewae legs

Its as easy as poem

It’s as easy as teaching a flower to talk or teaching a fire to walk

It’s as easy as having a dragon love a pig or making a pig where a crazy , stupid wig

Sunday, 11 June 2017


Kate is Justin bieber's  awesome cap.
Kate is a yummy chip being warmed up in the microwave.
Kate is a tiny little car.
Kate is a little two storey house.
Kate is a pink fluffy unicorn.
Kate is a super fluffy pom pom.
Kate is a cheeky monkey swinging from tree to tree.

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

All about me


I have a  rabbit called sparkles.

I love math art writing reading
te reo  and sience

I have a cat called poppy
May 11, 2017 2:12:08 PM.jpg
I love cute babies

I love fishing

I have two chickens marlen and livinia.

I'm in year 5
I'm in room 8 at hamilton east school
I live in hamilton east

I love looking after puppies

I love sport

Wednesday, 26 April 2017


Welcome to your very own blog for learning. We look forward to seeing you share your learning with your teachers, your school, your family and friends anywhere.

pattern poem dog